A Latent Class Analysis on Indicators of Early Prolonged Grief Disorder and Well-Being Among Dutch Adults Bereaved During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Most studies examining prolonged grief disorder (PGD) in people bereaved during the COVID-19 pandemic are focused on psychopathology. However, mental health encompasses both absence of psychopathology and presence of well-being. This is the first study examining symptom profiles of early PGD and subjective mental well-being in 266 Dutch adults recently bereaved during the pandemic. Early PGD and well-being indicators were assessed with the Traumatic Grief Inventory–Self Report Plus and the World Health Organization–Five Well-Being Index, respectively.

Can perpetrators discern survivors from voice?

Background: Research has shown that potential perpetrators and individuals high in psychopathic traits tend to body language cues to target a potential new victim. However, whether targeting occurs also by tending to vocal cues has not been examined. Thus, the role of voice in interpersonal violence merits investigation.


Objective: In two studies, we examined whether perpetrators could differentiate female speakers with and without sexual and physical assault histories (presented as rating the degree of ‘vulnerability’ to victimization).

Stronger together : the longitudinal relations between partner responsiveness, dyadic coping and PTSD recovery

Background: Past research has primarily focused on negative associations between PTSD and relationships. Therefore, this investigation delves into the potential positive role of these relational aspects in aiding PTSD recovery during treatment.


Objective: This study aimed to examine the impact of dyadic coping and perceived partner responsiveness on treatment trajectories of PTSD patients.


A pilot randomised control study to investigate the effect of the South African Adolescence Group Sleep Intervention (SAASI) on adolescent sleep and PTSD*

Background: Trauma exposure prevalence and consequent post-traumatic stress disorder among South African adolescents are significant. Sleep disturbances are among the most frequently reported difficulties faced by those dealing with PTSD. The current study examined the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of the South African Adolescence Group Sleep Intervention on PTSD symptom severity and sleep disturbance.

Nurses Supporting Nurses : A Model for Providing Mental Health Services During War

Nurses routinely face psychological challenges as part of their work, acutely so during times of crises when nurses may treat many severely injured and dying patients. While the need for such support is well documented in the literature, mental health support programmes aimed at healthcare workers, even when available, are often underutilised, especially by nurses.

Insights Towards Trauma-Informed Nursing Supervision : An Integrative Literature Review and Thematic Analysis

Trauma-informed care (TIC) is an approach to healthcare practice that recognises the pervasiveness of trauma, and the deep and life-shaping impact this has on a person. The literature recognises the negative consequences of trauma both to the people who experience it, and the nurses who provide care for them. Professional supervision is an integral element of workforce wellbeing and practice development, and a largely unexplored avenue of support for those who deliver TIC.

Prevalence, severity and risk factors for mental disorders among sexual and gender minority young people : a systematic review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses

Evidence suggests heightened prevalence and severity of mental disorders among sexual minority (SM) and gender minority (GM) young people. Several risk factors have been associated with these disparities. A systematic review of systematic reviews and meta-analysis was conducted to provide a comprehensive overview of the literature and to determine the field’s current position. MEDLINE, PsycInfo, Scopus and Web of Science were searched in March 2022 and updated January 2024.

Psychological sequelae following second-trimester termination of pregnancy : A longitudinal study

The decision to terminate a pregnancy due to fetal anomalies can have a significant emotional impact, especially in second-trimester terminations. Previous studies on the psychological consequences of pregnancy termination have had limitations, and little is known about the outcomes for partners and the impact of fetal donation. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the psychological effects of second-trimester pregnancy termination and identify factors associated with outcomes in both women and men, including donation of fetal remains to science.

The Association Between Trajectories of Self-reported Psychotic Experiences and Continuity of Mental Health Care in a Longitudinal Cohort of Adolescents and Young Adults

Background and Hypothesis

Young people (YP) with psychotic experiences (PE) have an increased risk of developing a psychiatric disorder. Therefore, knowledge on continuity of care from child and adolescent (CAMHS) to adult mental health services (AMHS) in relation to PE is important. Here, we investigated whether the self-reported trajectories of persistent PE were associated with likelihood of transition to AMHS and mental health outcomes.

Study Design

Peritraumatic Dissociation Partially Mediates the Influence of Lifetime Trauma Exposure on Prospective PTSD Symptoms

Higher lifetime trauma exposure and increased peritraumatic dissociation (PD) are well-known predictors of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms following new trauma (prospective PTSD symptoms). The interplay between those factors, however, is not well established. In this study, we aimed to assess whether PD mediates the influence of lifetime trauma exposure on prospective PTSD symptoms. A total of 387 adults visiting five emergency departments who had experienced a traumatic event within 72 hours completed baseline assessments on lifetime trauma exposure count and PD.
